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Work To Innovate & Develop Biopharmaceutical Industries

PREXPHARMA is a licensed Saudi Biopharmaceutical manufacturing and marketing facility, aiming to cover the gap of the Biopharma products in the MENA region .Prexpharma prepared a great land to attracts world wide famous Biopharma companies to develop state of art biopharmaceutical manufacturing transfer technology to the region. That will improve the quality of life, and to support economy of the region.
Our focus of manufacturing locally , and to be leader and reference of biopharmaceutical research and developments .
Several Biopharma products is under registration with SFDA .
However, Prexpharma developed with there partner high quality products and participate in several program [DPP] against COVID 19 .

To find out more about corona virus (COVID-19)  tests or our full service testing solutions.

Please contact: covid-19@prexpharma.com